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Elevating 3D Scanning and Metrology: Digitize Designs' New Site & Buyer's Guide

Digitize Designs' New Website Home Page

New 35-Page 3D Scanning eBook Available for Download

New, Easy to Search 3D Scanners Section

Discover Digitize Designs' all-new website for 3D Scanning and Metrology, featuring a free 35-page Buyer's Guide on 3D scanners, software, accessories, and more

Showcasing a new era in 3D scanning and metrology, our newly launched website reflects our dedication to innovation and service, designed to inform, engage, and empower our customers and prospects.
— Robby Berthume, Head of Marketing
GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, USA, January 8, 2024 / -- Digitize Designs, proudly ranked #1377 on the 2023 Inc. 5000 list, announces its dynamic website relaunch, significantly advancing the 3D scanning and metrology industry. This milestone showcases collaborations with esteemed partners, including FARO Technologies, Artec 3D, Scantech, Oqton (makers of Geomagic), InnovMetric (makers of PolyWorks|Inspector™), Mesh2Surface, Quick2Surface, DezignWorks, and AESUB.

Offering an extensive range of products, sophisticated software solutions, and a diverse array of accessories, Digitize Designs caters to varied needs within the 3D scanning and metrology sector. The company's expert services encompass 3D scanning, CAD modeling, reverse engineering, metrology, and 3D inspection, all supported by certified professionals. This holistic approach solidifies Digitize Designs' position as a leader in the industry.

Marking this launch, Digitize Designs offers a special promotion: a 10% discount on all accessory orders using the code "DIGITIZE24".

The revamped website boasts a sleek, intuitive interface, complemented by a comprehensive 35-page 3D Scanner Buying Guide and over 50 sets of FAQs. Enhanced product pages provide in-depth analyses, downloadable resources, and compelling calls to action, spotlighting advanced solutions.

The "Industries & Applications" page on Digitize Designs' website showcases their extensive reach across various sectors. The company caters to a wide range of industries, including aerospace, archaeology and heritage preservation, automotive, architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), defense and military, education and research, entertainment and media, forensics and law enforcement, healthcare and medical, manufacturing & design, and transportation & warehousing. Each section details specific applications of 3D scanning and metrology solutions, highlighting Digitize Designs' versatility in addressing diverse industry needs.

Additionally, the site introduces a user-friendly, one-stop-shop interface for seamless navigation across a range of products tailored to specific industries and applications. A streamlined e-commerce experience with real-time filtering capabilities reflects the brand's growth and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Phase 2 of the website development is set to elevate the user experience further. It includes advanced shipping, fulfillment, and CRM integrations, a Knowledge Base platform integrated with LiveChat for enhanced customer engagement, and new e-commerce features such as product bundling, subscriptions, and customer reviews.

Digitize Designs invites professionals, enthusiasts, and partners to explore the new website, utilize available resources, and share their feedback on revitalized digital presence and platform.

For more information or to explore the new website, please visit Digitize Designs.

Robby Berthume
Digitize Designs
+1 864-741-9265
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New 35-Page 3D Scanning eBook Available for Download

New, Easy to Search 3D Scanners Section

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Distribution channels: Automotive Industry, Aviation & Aerospace Industry, Business & Economy, Manufacturing, Military Industry