Europe Day| Kurti: Kosovo should be part of the Union, stronger together



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The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, congratulated May 9, which is also known as Europe Day, since 74 years ago the first foundations for the creation of the European Union were laid.

Through a post on social networks, Kurti stated that Europe is threatened by expansionist policies and extremist ideologies.

Kurti also said that Kosovo should be part of the European Union, in order to contribute more to this organization.

Kurti’s reaction:

74 years ago, the cornerstones of the European Union were laid, through the statement of the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, the architect of the European integration project, at the Salon de l’Horloge of the Quai d’Orsay in Paris.

What we know today as Europe Day is more than a day of celebration, but also a commemoration of the values ​​advocated since the 1950s, which further led to the creation of the European Union. Unity, solidarity and cooperation still resonate today as unique and inalienable principles for the preservation of democracy, justice and equality, human rights and the rule of law in our continent.

As Europe today is threatened by expansionist policies and extremist ideologies, preserving unity becomes more important than ever before. Only a united Europe can become a shield against military aggression and destabilizing attempts that violate peace and endanger freedom.

The Republic of Kosovo not only joins the calls and the mission of protecting democracy throughout Europe, but also continuously proves the will and readiness to contribute in this direction, both in aligning the country’s foreign policy with that of the European Union, but also in supporting all the measures taken against the unjustified Russian aggression against Ukraine.

But in order to contribute and do even more, we must be part of the European family and our journey should be evaluated based on meritocracy. As expansion has returned to the attention of the EU agenda after many years, our country has also applied for membership in the European Union. The progress of our country on the road to the EU would be a positive signal for the country and for democratic values.

Europe Day embodies the promise that only together we are stronger. In a united Europe, in a Europe that preserves and cultivates freedom and democracy, peace and security.

Congratulations on May 9 – Europe Day!

